After a prolonged indian summer it finally feels like November outside. Zoe still takes long morning and afternoon naps outside in her stroller, all bundled up in her polar bear suit. She makes the sweetest expressions in her sleep, making you wonder what all she is dreaming about. And sometimes she will open her eyes, in a dreamy haze, may be to make sure she is not alone or may be not realizing at all she is awake, smile and go back to her enchanted world...

zAnd of course every decent sleeping beauty must have a monster guarding her faithfully and here's Zoe's loyal guard:

Моя сладенькая соня, как бы я хотела тебе сейчас колыбельную спеть и погладить нашего славного Мишку!
Thanks for posting the pics. What a sweetheart!!!!!!!! Take Care to you all!!
Carlos and Paula
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