Summer time.. and the living is easy
The evenings got cool and windy this week, school is about to start, it's a little sad to think that the summer is coming to an end.
Well- it's time to recall what all Zoe did this wonderful summer.
Zoe entered a new era of her life with starting the daycare in June and becoming all independent. She loves going to her daycare- Abiyoyo-where she made a lot of new friends. At the daycare she gets to work on many art projects, "play" real muscical instruments (I'll have to get a picture of her "playing" the violin) and tend to Abiyoyo garden (she loves watering everything!)
She also learned a ton of new words and a few useful concepts like "Clean up!" -put all the toys away after she plays (yeah!). Another useful rule she learned is "wait!"- she says it and stops before crossing the road (well, sometimes, you still have to hold her hand tight just in case she decides to run across :) She did pick up a bad habbit though-screaming"MINE!"when she doesn't want to share.
But enough words, let's see some pictures from what Zoe got to do on her "off" time- on the weekends:
One weekend Zoe invited her friend Carolina to come along with her to a local "Baked Potato and Corn" festival at the farm where she got to ride a carousel (100 times?) and a few other rides. Needless to mention- they had a ton of local corn-on-the-cob at that festival- Zoe's most favorite food as she discovered this summer (she even eats it raw!)
Here's Zoe on her favority ride- the carousel!

And here she is on the fire truck ride
And a race-car ride- which was super fast!

(jokes aside-she really had to hold on)!
And finally, everyone got to go on a real hay-ride (tractor pulled cart through the field)
On quiet weekends, when nothing big (like corn fairs) was going on, Zoe enjoyed going to the New Haven Green (a downtown plaza just a few blocks from her house) where she enjoyed dancing to some good live music with her friends Carolina and baby Alexandra:

And then, of course, there was the beach trip to Cape Cod where Zoe went for 4 days with her little friends Carolina and Alexandra (these three are best friends :)
And here's Zoe with Alexandra:

And here she is with her daddy:
The only way to make Zoe stand still for 2 seconds:

On her beach vacation Zoe discovered that she is really good at frisby-throwing (seriously!)

At our cabin: 'Ouch! I know we are on vacation- but someone needs to sweep this floor!

One day was too cloudy for the beach so Zoe went.... canoeing!

She was a little unsure of whether she felt safe in this wabbly wooden thing right in the water
But then she realized it was pretty fun:
Especially when she saw the DUCK Family!
And then Zoe went on the Cranberry Bog tour, riding on a bus crossed with golf cart contraption:

At first Zoe really enjoyed the ride in the golf cart thingy through the bumpy cranberry bogs.
The tour got even better when we got to the little animal farm:

But then, the cranberries were still green and Zoe is not the type that can be fooled by the golf cart-bus hybrid for too long, even though the tour guide let her "drive" it.
'C'mon yall-this is something old folks do on their vacation-let's go to the BEACH!!!'
So we did- we drove to Provence Town (or P-town as they call it here) at the very tip of the Cape.
Where the beach was absolutely stunning:

...and the waves were BIG!

...and the sand was just perfect!

Well- it's time to recall what all Zoe did this wonderful summer.
Zoe entered a new era of her life with starting the daycare in June and becoming all independent. She loves going to her daycare- Abiyoyo-where she made a lot of new friends. At the daycare she gets to work on many art projects, "play" real muscical instruments (I'll have to get a picture of her "playing" the violin) and tend to Abiyoyo garden (she loves watering everything!)
She also learned a ton of new words and a few useful concepts like "Clean up!" -put all the toys away after she plays (yeah!). Another useful rule she learned is "wait!"- she says it and stops before crossing the road (well, sometimes, you still have to hold her hand tight just in case she decides to run across :) She did pick up a bad habbit though-screaming"MINE!"when she doesn't want to share.
But enough words, let's see some pictures from what Zoe got to do on her "off" time- on the weekends:
One weekend Zoe invited her friend Carolina to come along with her to a local "Baked Potato and Corn" festival at the farm where she got to ride a carousel (100 times?) and a few other rides. Needless to mention- they had a ton of local corn-on-the-cob at that festival- Zoe's most favorite food as she discovered this summer (she even eats it raw!)
Here's Zoe on her favority ride- the carousel!
And here she is on the fire truck ride
(jokes aside-she really had to hold on)!
And then, of course, there was the beach trip to Cape Cod where Zoe went for 4 days with her little friends Carolina and Alexandra (these three are best friends :)
Here they are!
And here she is with her daddy:
On her beach vacation Zoe discovered that she is really good at frisby-throwing (seriously!)
At our cabin: 'Ouch! I know we are on vacation- but someone needs to sweep this floor!
One day was too cloudy for the beach so Zoe went.... canoeing!
She was a little unsure of whether she felt safe in this wabbly wooden thing right in the water
Especially when she saw the DUCK Family!
And then Zoe went on the Cranberry Bog tour, riding on a bus crossed with golf cart contraption:
At first Zoe really enjoyed the ride in the golf cart thingy through the bumpy cranberry bogs.
The tour got even better when we got to the little animal farm:
But then, the cranberries were still green and Zoe is not the type that can be fooled by the golf cart-bus hybrid for too long, even though the tour guide let her "drive" it.
'C'mon yall-this is something old folks do on their vacation-let's go to the BEACH!!!'
Where the beach was absolutely stunning:
...and the waves were BIG!
...and the sand was just perfect!
See you next time!
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