Friday, March 30, 2007

Zoe's 9th month

Time for another photo-report, isn't it?

Well, our baby Zoe is now fully independent little person (or so she thinks anyways:) She can crawl around the house all on her own and faster than you can blink! In the past month she also learned how to stand up using support and now she stands up anywhere where there is something to hold on to-coffee table is the favorite, couch, high chair, anyone's leg, Meeshka (if he lets her), etc.
Her area of reach has vastly expanded since last month and now includes all low surfaces and shelves around the hohuse. Zoe likes to grab every object she can reach and throw it on the floor to get acquainted. Sometimes, when there is nothing new and interesting on the table, Zoe doesn't even bother to grab the objects- she just performs a generous swipe with her hand across the coffee table, sending an avalanche of table-top objects on the floor:) Way to keep her parents in check to keep her house in order!

It is now a rare scene to witness Zoe quietly sitting on her play blanket and playing with a toy:

Most of the times she seems to be on some mission:
such as:
...the phone cord needs to be traced to its origin:
...the rug needs to be checked and rearranged:
...the shelves in daddy's office need to be organized better:

Some of Zoe's favorite toys include a box of tissue (which she now can grab off the coffee table by herself!) and any shoes (especially if they have laces!):
She also likes to watch her new Baby Eistein videos- she has seen baby Bach and baby Bethoven so far. We don't let her watch it for too long of course, even though there is no need for the time limit yet- it keeps her attention for about 5 minutes at a time:

Since Zoe loves music, on her 8th Month birthday we tried introducing a home made percussions set to her- a bunch of stainless steel bowls and a wooden spoon.
Zoe tried the drum set but after the spoon flew out of her hands a few times......
She decided that banging on things with her hands is much easier and that this wasn't her type of music anyways... but she did like the pretty little girl that was looking at her from every bowl :)
..but then she saw an unattended slipper left by the couch, and hurried to examine it.

Now that she is so independent, Zoe also started helping her Daddy with his computer work... well as makes sure that his desk is well organized and random CDs are not laying around:

Zoe also helps her mama play daddy in chess, before she goes to bed:
And here she is telling daddy he is in Check!

And finally, Zoe always gives enough attention to her loyal guard and friend- Meeshka!
Meeshka loves her and listens to everything she has to tell him:
And sometimes, if we ask him nicely, he doesn't mind it when Zoe tries to go Meeshka-back riding:
But most of the time, he is a little scared of Zoe and runs away from her, although she is just trying to play with him! He just doesn't seem to like the "let's pull this pretty fluffy tail" game.
But Zoe doesn't give up- she chases after Meeshka all over the house and doesn't get upset when he moves right before she gets to him:


Blogger Woman Going Places said...

Cool blog! Your daughter is beautiful. My son was born July 27, 2006. You can check us out at if you like.

2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Кажется, Зосенька, ты у нас будешь хорошим следопытом. Или шахматистом? Или программистом? Или музыкантом? Или пловцом? Ну сейчас ты везде прекрасно успеваешь. И с тренером Мишкой так повезло - это же он специально Зосеньку тренирует - а притворяется, что убегает. Это чтобы она получше аппетит нагуляла.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

по-моему ребенку безумно идёт один оттенок красного.
а почему (только?) ножки журнального столика в полиэтилене?

леди брет эшли

1:56 PM  

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