Wednesday, November 04, 2009


The Autumn here in Connecticut has been really long and beautiful.
Just a few pics here:
from the Yale-Dartmouth football game
Zoe really enjoyed tail-gating with her best friend Amelie:
and hanging out with some Yale football players for a little bit:

Next highlight was hiking up the Sleeping Giant Mountain:

And of course, since it was a Sleeping Giant park, Zoe had to take a nap during the hike.. and then wake up to climb the rocks:

And then came HALLOWEEEN!
Zoe started out by carving Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin with her Papa. She was a BIG help this year. She didn't mind getting all the gooey stuff out of the pumpkin!

For Halloween Zoe was a Baby-Jaguar (one of the characters from her favorite cartoon : Dora the Exporer).
During the Halloween Day Zoe got enjoyed the beautiful weather walking around New Haven:

And hanging out with her friends at the spooky old Yale McDougal Hall:

Her friends Katya and Lior met her at the McDougal- so it wasn't so scary after all!

And then then the SCARY night part of Halloween began. Zoe went trick-or-treating with her friends Ellie and Kayta:

They met some REALLLY SCARY Neighbors!

but nothing scared Zoe ... enough to give up a possibility of getting some CANDY!


Anonymous бабушка Лада said...

Наша Зосенька изо всех детей оказалась самая храбрая: страшного соседа не испугалась.
Доченька, как хорошо снимок получился, где Зосенька подрыгивает на газоне. Здорово!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous бабушка Лада said...

то есть я хотела сказать: Зосенька подпрыгивает на газоне. Да, эффектно получилось: в воздухе и одновременно в солнечном луче!
Лялечка, ты Зосеньке дала Мишку на поводке вести. Вроде бы, ей еще надо хорошенько подрасти, прежде чем за такое дело браться. Мишка же такой большой!

12:04 PM  

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