Zoe & Mila
SOOO much has happened since the last post.
The biggest event since Zoe's 4-year birthday party was, of course, the arrival of her little sister Milena Evelyn Stowe (Mila) on September 12, 2010. So now this blog becomes Zoe & Milena's!
Zoe was awaiting on Mila's arrival with great anticipation, so needless to say that Mila's birth brought Zoe and her family endless happiness. Zoe turned out to be a great BIG sister from day 1- always wanting to hold & kiss baby Mila, always very careful and gentle with her.
Here's Zoe with Mila, Mila is less than a day old:

After less than two days at the hospital our little family was happy to bring baby Mila home:

Happy (but cautious) clean baby!

The biggest event since Zoe's 4-year birthday party was, of course, the arrival of her little sister Milena Evelyn Stowe (Mila) on September 12, 2010. So now this blog becomes Zoe & Milena's!
Zoe was awaiting on Mila's arrival with great anticipation, so needless to say that Mila's birth brought Zoe and her family endless happiness. Zoe turned out to be a great BIG sister from day 1- always wanting to hold & kiss baby Mila, always very careful and gentle with her.
Here's Zoe with Mila, Mila is less than a day old:

After less than two days at the hospital our little family was happy to bring baby Mila home:

We have been really fortunate to have an exceptionally warm and beautiful fall this year and our family has really enjoyed it!
Here's our family day at our local park on a fine September Sunday.
2-week old Mila taking a nap in a warm September sun:

2-week old Mila taking a nap in a warm September sun:

And Zoe is riding horses with her best friend Amelie:

Here's Zoe on a little apple-picking field trip in October with her nursery school:

And Tripp's traditional trip to the Renaissance Festival:

And then of course was our mid-October trip to a quaint little town of Essex in Connecticut. We got to ride an old steam train, rode a boat down the Connecticut river, visited picturesque Gilette castle... and spend a full weekend driving and hiking around Essex and enjoying beautiful New England foliage. Too many pictures to share, but here are a few:
Rushing to catch our train

On the train:

Looking out of the train window:

Floating down the Connecticut river:

On the boat deck

View of Gilette Castle ( no relation to razor blades)

Hiking around Gilette castle on the river bank:

Distant view of the ferry dock across the river:

And us on the ferry WITH our car! (Somehow all of us got a kick out of it, as it was the first, even for Tripp!)

... well enough of Essex!
Yesterday was Mila's SECOND MONTH birthday so a photo update is in order! Time flies so fast- it's hard to believe she was a tiny newborn baby just a few weeks ago! With Mila's great appetite she put on some chunky cheeks and rounded off nicely very quickly:)
Here are some pics from Mila's first month:
First Bath! Mila is 1 week old

Napping with papa in his favorite spot ( the couch:), Mila is 2 weeks old

In our kitchen, Mila is 3 weeks old:

Mila's FIRST MONTH birthday "All around bath time" photo shoot:

Bath in the sink: Zoe bathing Mila :)
Papa bathing Mila:

And Tripp's traditional trip to the Renaissance Festival:

And then of course was our mid-October trip to a quaint little town of Essex in Connecticut. We got to ride an old steam train, rode a boat down the Connecticut river, visited picturesque Gilette castle... and spend a full weekend driving and hiking around Essex and enjoying beautiful New England foliage. Too many pictures to share, but here are a few:
Rushing to catch our train

Looking out of the train window:

On the boat deck

View of Gilette Castle ( no relation to razor blades)

Hiking around Gilette castle on the river bank:

Distant view of the ferry dock across the river:

And us on the ferry WITH our car! (Somehow all of us got a kick out of it, as it was the first, even for Tripp!)

... well enough of Essex!
Yesterday was Mila's SECOND MONTH birthday so a photo update is in order! Time flies so fast- it's hard to believe she was a tiny newborn baby just a few weeks ago! With Mila's great appetite she put on some chunky cheeks and rounded off nicely very quickly:)
Here are some pics from Mila's first month:
First Bath! Mila is 1 week old

Napping with papa in his favorite spot ( the couch:), Mila is 2 weeks old

In our kitchen, Mila is 3 weeks old:

Mila's FIRST MONTH birthday "All around bath time" photo shoot:

Bath in the sink: Zoe bathing Mila :)

Mila in the restaurant on Essex trip, 6 weeks old:
Before Mila's 2 month visit to the pediatrician, she stopped by her new ( in every sense of the word) friend Lilo, who is about a month younger than her. The two got along perfectly- ignored each other completely when in good mood, but exhibited complete solidarity with each other in crying- if one started the other would join immediately :) But the difference in size of these two was just hilarious- can you believe these two girls are only 1 month apart?!

The 2-month measurements for Mila:
23 inches /58.4 cm ( 75 percentile in height)
12.4 lbs/5.6 kg (90% percentile in weight)
Will be back soon ( really really!) with Halloween pictures and more!

The 2-month measurements for Mila:
23 inches /58.4 cm ( 75 percentile in height)
12.4 lbs/5.6 kg (90% percentile in weight)
Will be back soon ( really really!) with Halloween pictures and more!
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