Spring is here?!
Our early Easter bunny keeps wondering when the spring will finally get here ( and stay here until summer!)

May be after this long overdue update on our life this winter! It's been 5 months since the last post and there has been so many events and 'baby's firsts' so here come LOTS of pictures!
Winter was quite eventful this year- with record snowfalls and lots of winter fun.
As usual, December was all about Santa's coming- trying to make it on Santa's 'good kids' list ( we wish we had Santa coming every month!), decorating the tree and baking cookies for Santa, and getting presents!
Here's Zoe being 'really good' :) in her gymnastics class:

And hanging out with her little sister (can you see resemblance?)

Done decorating the tree with the help of Fantik, the cat:

Met Santa's agent to tell him that she wants a 'violin and a pic' for Christmas (with our help Santa interpreted it as a "guitar & a pic" :)

Baking cookies for Santa!

AND FINALLY Christmas Morning! Checking the stockings first:

Wait- ME first! What is that big pink object in the sun room?

Looks like a Doll House!

And here's that guitar I asked for!

And Mila got her first 3! books .... to chew on for now

And some new toys!

Mama's stocking was empty but she got lots of Christmas hugs, which is much better!

January started with New Year's slumber party at our house- 4 of Zoe's little girlfriends spent the night at our house, which was a ton of fun.
Here's three little witches riding on a broom;

Mila's First New Year!

Then came the big snow ( the first of many as turned out!)on Mila's 4th month birthday:

Here's a view of our snow-covered street:

And here's Tripp digging out our driveway:

Zoe and her neighbor Ellie had lots of fun in the snow;

Indoors events included a play date at the museum of British Arts (here's Zoe building modern castle with her friend & classmate Paras):

And a 'High Seas and High Teas" event at the same museum, for which all little girls had to dress up as princesses and little boys were pirates.
Zoe got to make and do a show with her own shadow puppet:

and hang out with her two favorite pirates Sam and Carter (next to a beautiful mime-mermaid:

Mila like the mermaid-mime too!

In February we got MORE snow (on top of the old snow still on the ground):

Went to Jersey City to hang out with Anastasia and her family.
Here's Mila hanging out with Anastasia's 1.5 year old daughter Sasha:

and trying some rice at a restaurant (always getting any 'strange new food' in with her thumb:)

March was a BIG month for Mila- she turned 6 months!
Here's our 6 months photo-shoot:
One day before 6 months:

Half-year birthday!

Everyone is looking at the camera- yay!

NOW Mila is ready for a stroll in a Big Girl stroller ( first time)!

6 months + 1 day: Mila decided she didn't want to recline in her baby 'bouncer chaise lounge' any more:

Also in March, Mila tried her official first food ( baked squash)!... and decided her thumb tasted better :(

Finally, Saint Patrick's parade wrapped up our March. It was fun...but cccccold this year!

Only 2 days of April have passed, but Mila already had two major events.
First was a bit sad- her last day at the daycare she was in for the past 2.5 months (which we all loved). Moving to the same daycare as her big sister now.
Here she is with her two little girlfriends- they played so well together, I know she will miss them!

On Saturday afternoon Apr 2nd we went for a hike in a local park ( Mila's first hike!) and stopped for a little picnic on the way back ( another baby's first!)

And a few pics from our color & play activities at home this same Saturday:

We'll TRY to better about posting new pics more often- so hope to see you soon!

May be after this long overdue update on our life this winter! It's been 5 months since the last post and there has been so many events and 'baby's firsts' so here come LOTS of pictures!
Winter was quite eventful this year- with record snowfalls and lots of winter fun.
As usual, December was all about Santa's coming- trying to make it on Santa's 'good kids' list ( we wish we had Santa coming every month!), decorating the tree and baking cookies for Santa, and getting presents!
Here's Zoe being 'really good' :) in her gymnastics class:

And hanging out with her little sister (can you see resemblance?)

Done decorating the tree with the help of Fantik, the cat:

Met Santa's agent to tell him that she wants a 'violin and a pic' for Christmas (with our help Santa interpreted it as a "guitar & a pic" :)

Baking cookies for Santa!

AND FINALLY Christmas Morning! Checking the stockings first:

Wait- ME first! What is that big pink object in the sun room?

Looks like a Doll House!

And here's that guitar I asked for!

And Mila got her first 3! books .... to chew on for now

And some new toys!

Mama's stocking was empty but she got lots of Christmas hugs, which is much better!

January started with New Year's slumber party at our house- 4 of Zoe's little girlfriends spent the night at our house, which was a ton of fun.
Here's three little witches riding on a broom;

Mila's First New Year!

Then came the big snow ( the first of many as turned out!)on Mila's 4th month birthday:

Here's a view of our snow-covered street:

And here's Tripp digging out our driveway:

Zoe and her neighbor Ellie had lots of fun in the snow;

Indoors events included a play date at the museum of British Arts (here's Zoe building modern castle with her friend & classmate Paras):

And a 'High Seas and High Teas" event at the same museum, for which all little girls had to dress up as princesses and little boys were pirates.
Zoe got to make and do a show with her own shadow puppet:

and hang out with her two favorite pirates Sam and Carter (next to a beautiful mime-mermaid:

Mila like the mermaid-mime too!

In February we got MORE snow (on top of the old snow still on the ground):

Went to Jersey City to hang out with Anastasia and her family.
Here's Mila hanging out with Anastasia's 1.5 year old daughter Sasha:

and trying some rice at a restaurant (always getting any 'strange new food' in with her thumb:)

March was a BIG month for Mila- she turned 6 months!
Here's our 6 months photo-shoot:
One day before 6 months:

Half-year birthday!

Everyone is looking at the camera- yay!

NOW Mila is ready for a stroll in a Big Girl stroller ( first time)!

6 months + 1 day: Mila decided she didn't want to recline in her baby 'bouncer chaise lounge' any more:

Also in March, Mila tried her official first food ( baked squash)!... and decided her thumb tasted better :(

Finally, Saint Patrick's parade wrapped up our March. It was fun...but cccccold this year!

Only 2 days of April have passed, but Mila already had two major events.
First was a bit sad- her last day at the daycare she was in for the past 2.5 months (which we all loved). Moving to the same daycare as her big sister now.
Here she is with her two little girlfriends- they played so well together, I know she will miss them!

On Saturday afternoon Apr 2nd we went for a hike in a local park ( Mila's first hike!) and stopped for a little picnic on the way back ( another baby's first!)

And a few pics from our color & play activities at home this same Saturday:

We'll TRY to better about posting new pics more often- so hope to see you soon!
I finally got a chance to look and read. I enjoyed it so much. You've got two beautiful girls!
Love, Martha
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