Zoe's 7th Month
Yet another month of baby Zoe's life flew by bringing lots of changes and new experiences for our little girl-we are just trying to keep up.
In her 7th Month Zoe tried a few new foods, some she liked and some were not her favorite. On New Year's day we were all excited to introduce a first vegetable to Zoe--a cute little organic yellow squash made into a puree-- yumm!
Zoe was curious about the new smell coming out of her food bowl:

She tried it and......

... let's just say it was not her favorite vegetable.
She did discover her favorite kasha (cereal) though- Buckwheat!!! sent to her all the way from Ukraine by her grandmother Lada.
In the past month Zoe spent a lot of her time sitting up and playing with all the new toys she got for Christmas. It took a few little falls backwards before she sat upright sturdy, but she didn't mind the learning curve:

And here's Zoe looking at the soap bubbles in the air (can't see on the picture)

Another big event of the month was an Indian harvest holiday which she got to celebrate with her new Indian friends. Zoe is very social and loves to be around new people, especially when they play with her- like everyone did at that party!

She even got to wear a Bindi!

And finally, the last BIG event of the month was starting a new swimming class. FINALLY our little gold fish was back in big water! She loved every minute of her first class and didn't cry once (unlike all the other little kids in the class!)- She splashed in the water, swam on her back and belly, dove and JUMPED OFF THE LEDGE into the pool!

We'll end our story with a picture of Zoe and her uncle Brad, who comes by and plays with her sometimes.
In her 7th Month Zoe tried a few new foods, some she liked and some were not her favorite. On New Year's day we were all excited to introduce a first vegetable to Zoe--a cute little organic yellow squash made into a puree-- yumm!
Zoe was curious about the new smell coming out of her food bowl:

She tried it and......

... let's just say it was not her favorite vegetable.
She did discover her favorite kasha (cereal) though- Buckwheat!!! sent to her all the way from Ukraine by her grandmother Lada.
In the past month Zoe spent a lot of her time sitting up and playing with all the new toys she got for Christmas. It took a few little falls backwards before she sat upright sturdy, but she didn't mind the learning curve:

And here's Zoe looking at the soap bubbles in the air (can't see on the picture)

Another big event of the month was an Indian harvest holiday which she got to celebrate with her new Indian friends. Zoe is very social and loves to be around new people, especially when they play with her- like everyone did at that party!

She even got to wear a Bindi!

And finally, the last BIG event of the month was starting a new swimming class. FINALLY our little gold fish was back in big water! She loved every minute of her first class and didn't cry once (unlike all the other little kids in the class!)- She splashed in the water, swam on her back and belly, dove and JUMPED OFF THE LEDGE into the pool!

We'll end our story with a picture of Zoe and her uncle Brad, who comes by and plays with her sometimes.