Disney World vacation
I think it's been 2 months since we promised to post pics from Zoe's Disney World vacation, so here they are!
It was great to get away from freezing Connecticut in the middle of the winter. First we spent a few days in Jacksonville with the rest of the tiger families who came to see Clemson play a bowl game
Here are a couple of pics of Zoe enjoying the Jacksonville beach:

It was great to get away from freezing Connecticut in the middle of the winter. First we spent a few days in Jacksonville with the rest of the tiger families who came to see Clemson play a bowl game
Here are a couple of pics of Zoe enjoying the Jacksonville beach:

After spending her day time on the beach, Zoe got to hang out with her tiger relatives, including her little cousin Ellis (here he is with his mom, Zoe's aunt Melissa):

Next day, after a fun car trip Zoe finally arrived at the Disney's Safari Kingdom Resort. She was thrilled to find that all kinds of animals walked around the hotel: zebras, giraffes, antelopes and many others.
Here are Zoe and zebra in the hotel back yard:
In the evening, Zoe took part in the African drumming session in the hotel lobby, needless to say, she loved the drums and the dancing!

Next day, Zoe had so much fun at the Safari Park that she forgot to nap (and didn't get cranky because of that!):
First, a giant racoon welcomed Zoe to the park
The racoon was the only fake animal we saw in the entire park- the rest of the park was full of all kinds of exotic creatures:
Like monkeys...
...and crocs....
and tigers..
Zoe enjoyed spotting the animals everywhere (see a gorilla?)

from the bus on safari ride...

And from papa's shoulders
helping papa take pictures of the tiger:

... and spotting some bugs in a 'bug house':
.. and ringing the bells on the Buddist wish tree
.. and climbing everything that was possibly or not possibly climbable

We finally left the Safari Park after it the sunset- Zoe had such an eventful day, that she fell asleep during the 5-minute bus ride home and woke up in her room only next morning- ready for the Magic Kingdom day!
Her favorite part of the magic kingdom was riding a regular little train that took her around the whole park ( I think we rode it at least 3 times :)
Here she is, enjoying the ride, and the long-awaited new hairdo- pony tail!

She also enjoyed the show on the castle stage and multiple rides, including a REAL roller-coaster, for which she was just tall enough (it was too fast for picture taking.
We rode the famous tea cups, making papa sick with our spinning:

Here's Zoe playing in Vinny the Pooh's Rabbit's house and sporting a Hawaiian lay:

And of course, there was a CAROUSEL!

The day ended with a fantastic parade and fireworks:

Oh- and did I mention that we gave Zoe's pacy away to Micky Mouse or "Big Mouse" as Zoe called him? She asked about the pacy for another couple of weeks, but as much as she missed it, she was comforted by the thought that Big Mouse was going to need it and put it to a good use with a baby mouse he was expecting:)

Here are Zoe and zebra in the hotel back yard:

First, a giant racoon welcomed Zoe to the park

Like monkeys...

We finally left the Safari Park after it the sunset- Zoe had such an eventful day, that she fell asleep during the 5-minute bus ride home and woke up in her room only next morning- ready for the Magic Kingdom day!
Her favorite part of the magic kingdom was riding a regular little train that took her around the whole park ( I think we rode it at least 3 times :)
Here she is, enjoying the ride, and the long-awaited new hairdo- pony tail!

We rode the famous tea cups, making papa sick with our spinning:

The day ended with a fantastic parade and fireworks:

Oh- and did I mention that we gave Zoe's pacy away to Micky Mouse or "Big Mouse" as Zoe called him? She asked about the pacy for another couple of weeks, but as much as she missed it, she was comforted by the thought that Big Mouse was going to need it and put it to a good use with a baby mouse he was expecting:)